Kinda Square Day 31

The Red Wheelbarrow is one of my favorite poems. My husband took this pic, and since he is one of my favorite people, I am happy to end the KindaSquare challenge with favorite things. I spent 31 days attempting photography with a Fuji Instax Mini 9. Some days were better than others! In the next […]

Kinda Square Day 20

Yesterday I posted a haibun about how my husband thinks the brown eyed Susans in our front beds are weeds…a husband’s weeds are a wife’s flowers? Well, with this Fuji Instax pic, I want to go back and work on a haiku/haibun about the ADT sign and the flowers in some fashion incorporating “who’s guarding […]

Kinda Square Day 13

This is my favorite entry so far. This Fuji Instax doesn’t like sun, shade, indoors or out. It does not like up- close or faraway or anything in between. And “composition,” forget about it! BUT it seems to like reds, never mind if they are blurry! I already have Thursday’s post in preparation, as I […]